
For Safety Projects and Early Warning Devices

What could be more cost-effective and simple to install than BRP Rumble Strips for permanent applications and temporary deviations?

BRP Rumble Strips provide an audible driver alert system by means of a controlled change to the surface texture. Precut strips of the product with varying aggregate sizes are used. Details of the specific layouts for both urban and rural layouts are depicted below.

9.5mm aggregate and fewer bars reduces noise levels compared with rural design

N.B. Always install early warning block at 50m spacing then follow with remaining blocks according to specific requirements in terms of speed.

Variations on Standard for:
80km/h stop 4 blocks + early warning 50m apart from block 4
60km/h stop 3 blocks + early warning 50m apart from block 3

Adaptations of standard design may be desirable in residential areas. We would be pleased to assist with designs
